
How You can Help:

Heroes Athletic Association is always looking for support.  Establishing HAA as a national “hero” charity takes the work of many dedicated Americans.  Individuals and groups can support HAA by:

  1. Inform HAA about your organization so HAA can find opportunities to support. 
  2. Volunteering to run a team and ensuring that cops, firemen and Service Members are on their roster or squad. 
  3. Use a community/public event to raise awareness and funds – holiday tree lighting ceremonies, summer concert series events, local animal shows/horse races etc. all present an opportunity to allow the attending public to support HAA.  
  4. Run a fund raiser.  Athletic groups manage tournaments, outings, “fun runs,” etc. Use those to create capital for HAA. 
  5. Provide your name and info for HAA to keep you up-to-date.  We always seem to have something that you can support. 
  6. Donate. Your tax-deductible donation is needed and  always appreciated; you can donate right from our website. 

“You can’t tell whether community policing exists in a city on the basis of the press release, the organizational chart, or the annual report. It exists when officers are common sight in businesses, schools, PTA meetings, recreation centers; when individual officers are often involved in community affairs-cultural events, school events, meetings of service clubs, etc.”